- 100 Years :: Five for Fighting... good song, great arrangement, fun to play
during chapel band!
- He is exalted :: Praise and Worship... I'll be playing this one for corination... ex-ci-ting!!!
- Hello :: Evanescence... ok on the piano, but awesome lyrics... "don't
try to fix me, I'm not broken..."
- Everytime :: Britney Spears... I can proudly say that I figured it out all on my own!!! Left
and right hand! hehe!
- White Houses :: Vanessa Carlton... great song. period.
- Ordinary Day :: Vanessa Carlton... beautiful piano part. i could do one measure for hours and
not get bored.
- Clocks :: Coldplay... amazing piano part. i love it.
- What a Wonderful World :: Louis Armstrong... "and i think to myself... what a wonderful world..."
what a great song!