First-middle-last: Timothy Christopher
Where can I contact you? you'll find me
in the kitchen, garage or my workshop
What do you love about the site? I was
browsing your site. Pretty cool. Kinda brought a tear to my eye when I read the "Shoutouts" about Mom and me.
I love you, Boo.
What's your shoe size? That is way to personal
to answer.
What's your Professor Poopy Pant's name? Tootie Liver Tush
First-middle-last: jason, something, yackel
What do you love about the site? the anna
thing that goes with the mouse...i've wanted that forever
What's your shoe size? um...11...i
What's your Professor Poopy Pant's name? i don't get it...gross... THIS IS ANNA NOW...
his name would be... Stinky Gorilla-brain... there ya go
First-middle-last: Emily Kathleen Bettenga
Where can I contact you? anywhere
What do you love about the site? EVERYTHING!
What's your shoe size? 7 1/2-8
What's your Professor Poopy
Pant's name? crusty tiolet branes!
First-middle-last: kelsh MARIE houlek
Where can I contact you? constanly..oh
yah baby
What do you love about the site? e v e
r y stinkin lil thang, baby. but...expecially the bubbles. they remind me of dippin dots. YUM
your shoe size? bigger than 6.5...shorter than 8.5
What's your Professor Poopy Pant's name? weee..i