this is me... take it or leave it...

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First-middle-last:  Allie Bars Oliver
Where can I contact you?  Home
What do you love about the site?  you
What's your shoe size?  6
What's your Professor Poopy Pant's name?  Poopsie Bubblebuns
First-middle-last:  Timothy Christopher Lohse
Where can I contact you?  you'll find me in the kitchen, garage or my workshop
What do you love about the site?  I was browsing your site.  Pretty cool.  Kinda brought a tear to my eye when I read the "Shoutouts" about Mom and me.  I love you, Boo.
What's your shoe size?  That is way to personal to answer.
What's your Professor Poopy Pant's name?  Tootie Liver Tush
First-middle-last:  jason, something, yackel
Where can I contact you?  school...hahaha...or e-mail me @
What do you love about the site?  the anna thing that goes with the mouse...i've wanted that forever
What's your shoe size?  um...11...i think
What's your Professor Poopy Pant's name?  i don't get it...gross... THIS IS ANNA NOW... his name would be... Stinky Gorilla-brain... there ya go
First-middle-last:  Emily Kathleen Bettenga
Where can I contact you?  anywhere
What do you love about the site?  EVERYTHING! LOVE YOU ANNA!
What's your shoe size?  7 1/2-8
What's your Professor Poopy Pant's name? crusty tiolet branes!
First-middle-last:  kelsh MARIE houlek
Where can I contact you? constanly..oh yah baby
What do you love about the site?  e v e r y  stinkin lil thang, baby.  but...expecially the bubbles. they remind me of dippin dots. YUM
What's your shoe size?  bigger than 6.5...shorter than 8.5
What's your Professor Poopy Pant's name? weee..i forgot.

full name... you got it, first-middle-last ::
where can i contact you?
what do you love about the site?
what's your shoe size?
what's your proffesor poopy pants name?

hey guys, i kinda can't find a guestbook, so i'm gonna make my own, just fill out the form and then i'll put you in!  love you!

sign me!